Post by salford1986 on Jul 14, 2008 17:39:49 GMT 1
iv had my cub for a short time and have got the hang of it easy now with smooth landings i want to fly it with a better motor!! something that will make it fast!!
i was thinking of a nitro engine but then i thought no because it will most probably set on fire or sumit....what can i do!!
Post by flydiver on Jul 15, 2008 2:10:43 GMT 1
Do some reading in the motors and batteries sections. Lots of ideas, photos, and information in there.
If you want fast, get a Stryker.
Post by cvrcmember on Jul 15, 2008 5:59:33 GMT 1
I say, probably spend MORE time with the cub, about 2-4 months before you upgrade.
Post by rcairplanepilot on Nov 5, 2008 5:41:11 GMT 1
i gonna go BIGGGG TOOOO, im gonna but a .40 glow engine in mine, parts are on the way. rc
Post by duck9191 on Nov 5, 2008 19:10:21 GMT 1
just becareful with the nito and foam.
my cub would alomost do 60mph with a brushless motor, probably even more now with some better batteries and not using my 5 oz phone to measure speed. but the cub isn't that aroedynamic so its hard to get it to do much more then that..
Post by patmatgal on Nov 6, 2008 9:07:15 GMT 1
salford1986 I have an e flite 450 brushless in mine and think that if I had gone with a 480 I could fly faster and better. But alas the Super Cub is a foam plane, and like duck9191 said, it's not that aerodynamic. It is what it is (an overbuilt trainer) and the more you push it the faster the air frame gets beaten to a pulp, or something like that. But that's the funnest (is that a word?) part of it all.
Post by admiralev on Nov 6, 2008 13:54:23 GMT 1
now i dont know much about nitros and foam but I would say that the 2 together are probably not a good mix. i would think thast a .40 would have enough power to rip the firewall right off the cub. like pat and duck said, you can get great power and speed off a 450 or 480, and they are meant for foamies and parkflyers. just my .02
Post by flydiver on Nov 6, 2008 18:00:00 GMT 1
You guys aren't any fun....You're giving good advice. I don't think he wants it. Personally I want to know how it comes out.
So, GO BIG, REALLY BIG and report back.
Post by Ellis on Nov 6, 2008 22:45:44 GMT 1
Exactly fly - go for it! But make sure you guys get video - It might be glorious.
Post by admiralev on Nov 7, 2008 0:37:08 GMT 1
i have bets that the motor takes off and leaves the cub sitting there ;D
Post by ginginho on Dec 3, 2008 12:13:05 GMT 1
i have bets that the motor takes off and leaves the cub sitting there ;D And a big lump of molten foam??
Post by flydiver on Dec 3, 2008 17:36:22 GMT 1
Arrgghh, still no report! An empty boast I suspect.
Post by admiralev on Dec 3, 2008 23:54:00 GMT 1
darn....i shouldve waited! i guess i scared him off...
what happened to the guy who claimed he had a .40 on order? o well....