Don't like breaking parts? Quit crashing.... ;D
Until you can do that you expect it should just crash and never break?
My buddy coined a phrase that comes to mind-
crash fatigue.
It happens when the excitement and enthusiasm of flying starts to wear a bit thin with the expense and hassle of repair.
Happens to about everyone.
You are working too hard. Get a 10-15" 2 part epoxy at the hardware store. Mixed reviews on something like Amazon is probably more an indicator of ignorance working with glue than a reliable test of the product.
FWIW I modestly disagree about the use of Gorilla glue-it's a great product for this foam
BUT, old GG is brown and ugly. There is a newer white on and Sumo glue is functionally identical and is white.
Those glues FOAM in action. That helps fill in cracks but is also a variable to deal with. The set is initiated with external liquid and I generally start it with a drop of Elmer's white glue, mix it up, apply, and fix the parts.
For a broken wing I'd cut a groove (maybe 2) across the break and embed carbon rod or bamboo skewers to reinforce. Make sure to laterally balance after and DO NOT get the wing warped during repair.
BUT-epoxy will work quite well also for this. Learning to fly (repair) you'll learn WAY more about glue and tape than you EVER imagined. Think of it as a side benefit.
Tape the stupid cowl up-just use fiber reinforced tape. They're crap anyway.
Consider getting prop saver and using it. Use DOUBLE bands if you do-the Cub is too powerful for single bands.
Ditch the expensive PZ prop. Do some reading on props here: are several articles on props, a couple on Cubs, and many more of interest to new fliers. Do some reading-you'll not regret it.
I know you don't want to hear it, but, the Cub is your first plane, right? It's expendable. You are very likely to completely trash it before you finally can fly reliably. I know folks that just started to buy 2 of everything. First one to learn on and ruin, hopefully the 2nd one to keep.