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Posts: 138
Post by mac on Feb 7, 2008 5:29:07 GMT 1
I've been known to do a little fishing here in S. Texas.  Fresh and Salthingyer. I also run a fishing web site/forum.
Post by mrmugen on Feb 7, 2008 5:37:06 GMT 1
Is that about 50 lbs? Hard to tell. Never met Nice fish though!
Squadron leader
Posts: 138
Post by mac on Feb 7, 2008 5:51:41 GMT 1
Is that about 50 lbs? Hard to tell. Never met Nice fish though! Na, almost 20lbs. lake record for a red on that lake is like 29+lbs.
Post by 05prostock on Feb 7, 2008 7:12:48 GMT 1
Very nice. I fish, but mostly spearfish ;D
Post by SCC on Feb 7, 2008 10:29:49 GMT 1
That is one beautiful looking fish. 
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Posts: 147
Post by sb352 on Feb 8, 2008 23:18:23 GMT 1
Dont get to do much ice fishing down here, but have been with relatives that live in wisconsin.We fish alot of the coastal waters and area lakes
Squadron leader
Posts: 147
Post by sb352 on Feb 8, 2008 23:19:55 GMT 1
Dont get to do much ice fishing down here, but have been with relatives that live in wisconsin.We fish alot of the coastal waters and area lakes. P.S. I dont think mac cUGHT THAT FISH , HE BOUGHT IT AT THE LOCAL FISH MARKET............. lol
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Posts: 138
Post by mac on Feb 9, 2008 3:15:58 GMT 1
What ever SB352. ;D
Post by mrmugen on Mar 3, 2008 17:01:53 GMT 1
You guy's gotta be pals eh?! You's sound like me and a few of my I will get you;s a pic of what we caught last night! We had a blast!
Post by mrmugen on Mar 3, 2008 17:10:03 GMT 1
  We caught 50 Jumbo's! At least they are jumbo's for the lake we were on. 12" average few were 13-14 and few smaller but we pounded them. We sat until 10:00pm last night. I cut a hole in the ice about 3 foot down (so there was not water in it) just outside the shack. I put a 3 D cell maglight in it to illuminate the water under our shack.....then it was on! We did not want to go home!
Post by coougarr on Mar 3, 2008 17:35:31 GMT 1
Dang, I'm jelous. That sounds awesome!! I love to fish but i've never been ice fishing before.
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Posts: 147
Post by sb352 on Mar 4, 2008 1:56:04 GMT 1
Nice looking haul mrmugen.Some friends from work and I wentnice fishing in Wisconsin quite a few years back.Stayed at my grand folks house and went fishing with a couple of friends I have known for years (used to stay summers up there) . Well needless to say , us Texans froze our bunions off , but we had a blast. Can't remeber if we caught any fish ( LOL ) , but we keep the local taverns ,bars, and liquer stores extremely busy. Also went snowmobile riding on my cousins POLaris and ended up tipping it and breaking the windshield.Luckily another cousin worked at the polaris factory in Springfield Minn. and was able to get a new one FOC.
Post by mrmugen on Mar 4, 2008 2:00:53 GMT 1
Why did you's freeze? Wearing shorts and sandles out I never froze once in my life ice fishing. It's usually in the 70's to 80's in my hole...
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Posts: 147
Post by sb352 on Mar 4, 2008 3:06:55 GMT 1
Now that you mention it , there is a picture lying around here of my 4 friends and me standing in the backyard , in the snow , holding a pike in shorts. to much liquid courage
Post by mrmugen on Mar 4, 2008 3:33:40 GMT 1
Any chance of us seeing it?